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Here is where you can find all of our latest updates, including stories, resources, blog posts, and more.

Amanda Silcox
Sep 16, 20201 min read
Small Business Shout Out: Midas of Central Virginia
"I take care of my employees so they can take care of our customers." - business owner, Mark Smith We appreciate the many businesses...

Amanda Silcox
Sep 10, 20201 min read
Small Business Shout Out: Business Management Associates, Inc.
"Paid sick days are good for business" - business owner, LaJuanna Russell We appreciate the many businesses around the state like...

Amanda Silcox
Aug 17, 20201 min read
Thomas Calhoun: Teacher
President of the Norfolk Federation of Teachers and executive member of the Virginia AFL-CIO, Thomas Calhoun, speaks about why parents,...

Amanda Silcox
Aug 17, 20201 min read
Mark Smith: Business Owner
Business owner, Mark Smith, speaks about why he offers paid sick days to his employees and why other businesses should as well.

Amanda Silcox
Aug 17, 20201 min read
Dr. Makunda Abdul Mbacke: Doctor
Dr. Makunda Abdul Mbacke talks about the importance of paid sick days for Virginians. She is an OB-GYN and a business owner (medical...

Amanda Silcox
Aug 17, 20201 min read
Tony Hedgepeth: Caregiver
Home Healthcare worker and member of SCIU, Tony Hedgepeth, speaks at Virginians for Paid Sick Days press conference 8/17/2020.

Amanda Silcox
Jun 23, 20201 min read
Josh: Restaurant Worker
Hear from Josh about why restaurant workers need paid sick days, especially during COVID-19.

Amanda Silcox
Jun 16, 20201 min read
Delores Reid: Faith Leader
Hear from Delores Reid, a member of the United Methodist Women, why she supports paid sick days!

Amanda Silcox
Jun 11, 20201 min read
Karen McElfish: Doctor & Faith Leader
Karen McElfish is a retired doctor and leader in the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Women. Hear why she support paid sick days!

Amanda Silcox
Mar 14, 20201 min read
Vanessa Thompson responds to failure of paid sick days bill
After our paid sick days bill died in early March 2020, Vanessa Thompson shares her response.

Amanda Silcox
Mar 3, 20201 min read
Vanessa Thompson: Caregiver
Hear from Vanessa Thompson about why caregivers like her need paid sick days.
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